3.2 [Work in Progress] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials

So, this week, I was working on the logo. I also made some changes to my website. There is still some fixing there, but the main focus was the logo. After meeting with Laurie, we focused on that the most. We both agreed to use a simple typeface but still use the "MOM" that my daughter wrote throughout the design pieces, maybe primarily through the Mom Haven. I made sure the Mobile prototypes were attached. The next module will focus on finding mobile app imagery and changing the gradient. We both agreed that I haven't used it elsewhere and should focus on solidifying it. I also created a mood board for the overall aesthetic I want The Mom Haven Location to be and look like. 

The following module things are as follows: work on the logo some more and start working on some of the designs for the physical location of Mom Haven. Once the logo is finalized, start applying that to things for which the logo is already being used. Fix my find specialist and quiz pages, and add testimony to get people to come. Will meet with Laurie on the 8th of October again.


4.2 [Preliminary Work] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials


2.2 [Work in Progress] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials