9.1 [Work in Progress] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials

User testing was something I had to do. I noticed I kept forgetting to add it to the brief for Laurie to see. I have been kind of behind. My daughter gets sick a lot because she is a preschooler. And we all know how that works. But anyway, I got a few of my mom's friends together to become user testers. I took a lot of the module's feedback and tried to catch up and play with the visual system. I worked on the basic functionalities of your app and website and the first sketches. For this module, I applied the visual system and needed to add the resources, the shop, and all the other content. I made sure to add and refer to the mom haven so it could redirect them to my other deliveries. Trying to develop some of the resources and content was a tad tricky. But I just pulled it up and asked for feedback and used Grammarly for spelling and checks.

Module 9


10.1 [Work in Progress] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials


8.1 [Work in Progress] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials