9.2 [Work in Progress] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials

This module was really hard because I had to play catch up from last week. I took sick. My own personal mom burnout and little person with her own germs caught up to me last week and took me out. I had to really take time to heal along with making sure I start to get a lot of the deliverables for the personal space.

Things that was focused on was trying to fix the alignment of the therapy page. Fixing the quiz to match what is already going on with the mobile site. The next thing we have to do is focusing on is how to deliver the results of the quiz and how it can link it to other resources on the website. I have to also make sure to connect all the spaces some how so they lead each other to each other deliverable to show how they can connect with each other.

Module 9 Work


10.2 [Work in Progress] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials


8.2 [Work in Progress] Thesis 2: Major Project / Thesis Materials