7.1 [Preliminary Work] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials
After Laurie and I met, I selected the main logo mark. I focused on finding more imagery that wasn't just happy but spoke to the true feeling of mom burnout. Next, I added the tagline and additional information to the Visual System Page. I have worked on the User Flow for the Website and the App, so I worked on it from the computer first. Hopefully, it makes sense, and I did it correctly. I did a lot to ensure everything was submitted before the spring break. I learned much about working with the User flow for a website and app.
I worked on my visual system. I dropped in my logotype and tagline. I separated them because I had them as one. Laurie suggested that they worked better as separte elements. She also said that I need to find a more organic mom burnout imagery because a lot of my images looked happy and not speaking to the true emotions that women feel while being overwhelmed and tired.