14.1 [Final Project] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials

This week has been highly stressful. I haven’t been able to meet with Laurie for the last few modules due to the busy schedules of both of us. So I go off the critiques and feedback I have been getting from others, plus what Laurie has given. I focused on finishing the website, ensuring I had my user testing added, clickable web prototype, UX documentation for the app, and a visual design prototype for the app. I also updated my website, DS chart, and material matrix. I plan to work on this more during the summer when the house is not so busy. I need to focus on the overall direction of the mobile app and how it can function smoothly. What may be added and not added? This semester has taught me a lot. I want to give myself grace and understand it’s okay if life throws you curve balls. Doing this for my thesis taught me that I am one of my test subjects because I know Mom's burnout got me good this semester. Hopefully, it will be a tad different. I had a lot of curveballs in this module, with programs freezing and deleting my work. I'm redoing stuff because, for some reason, my autosave wasn’t turned on. Make sure to SAVE every minute you can because. I also had an idea of some things to add to the mobile due to my suffering from mom burnout this semester.

Laurie has genuinely taught me a lot. I have requested to have her next semester, provided I pass Thesis 2 and have her again. Fingers crossed.

Clickable Web Prototype

Mobile App Design Prototype


1.1 Thesis 2: Activity / User Testing Research Methods


13.1 [Work in Progress] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials