13.1 [Work in Progress] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials

Due to having a sick child AGAIN and then getting myself sick on top of a family member being ill, it has been a WEEK! I thought I had caught up until Laurie reminded me I needed my wireframe to be more in-depth. They need to elaborate more and explore the pages more. I also ensure I have a clickable prototype for M14 that works. I had computer issues this week, and my daughter having a 102 fever this semester was not kind to me. And it honestly has torn me up. I hope that by module 14, I will be finished. I couldn’t meet Laurie for the last two weeks, so I was going off what I remembered from the last conversation. I miss it when we have those talks. She challenges me as a designer.


14.1 [Final Project] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials


12.1 [Preliminary Work] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials