3.1 [Work in Progress] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials

Due to Laurie being out the week before and myself being sick, I was ultimately playing catch-up to ensure I had something to meet with Laurie. I focused on pulling from the target audience I gathered last semester and establishing a user flow. Try to work to prepare sketches for module 4, work on the user map flow, and make sure that the story aligns and makes sense. How will the user journey to download the app and visit the website? The audience members that I have are based on people whom I know and survey. Things were changed for privacy, but they were the best two target audience members to move forward with. Make sure to think about how they would visit the website and the app. I think thinking about stories and outcomes is easy for this because I am a mom, and I can put myself in their shoes or think clearly about how a mom who is burned out thinks.


4.1 [Preliminary Work] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials


2.1 [Work in Progress] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials