Module 4

This was the first Module where we had to do a Lab. I was hesitant about it because what does a graphic design lab require? You know, in high school or even in undergrad, depending on your major, you have to do scientific labs. Like, what does that all involve? Honestly research. Research and more research…That was my first thought. So, when doing this module, I did a lot of research, taking the feedback from Module 3 about focusing on the insights and applying that to the first lab study we needed to do for this module. Remember that you are a designer, not a psychologist, so you can’t approach this project this way. Approach it in the manner that you can. Another thing I had to find out was why something was working.

I allowed questions to birth new questions. I tried to approach this as if this was me. What would be some questions I would want to ask the doctor? Or what questions would I want my spouse to know about Mom Burnout? When doing this module, regarding the design approach, I thought about, okay, what are some things we associate with moms besides the cliche wipes, pampers, and Pacis? What is something people think about being a parent…Oh doodling! I can speak for the experience of my child doodling on my sketches as a baby or toddler if I didn’t put it up.

Module 4 PDF

Lab One


Module 5


Module 3