Module 14

This module was bittersweet and full of emotions. We are almost at the finish line; everything has to be done. We present on Wednesday, and the thought freaks me out. I want to pass. I want to make sure that I show the committee how passionate I am about this. We have to tighten some things up. I got a lot of feedback from Jeremy. Working on the module, I think I’m entirely nervous about presenting about how the overall presentation will go.

We had to sell the deliverables more in the video. So I returned and tried to sell them as much as possible. Make people excited and think, yes, I could see a mom wanting to use that. I redid all of my slides to make sure they look more cohesive. They all had the same typography system levels in place. I ensured the exact alignment, size, placement, and cohesive levels. I changed my DS Chart, so this wasn’t just a place to shop. Also, I fixed and altered the ideas of some of my deliverables.

I created a bullet list of what each deliverable would have and made sure I sold it more in the audio. I submitted my work throughout the week to Jermery to get his feedback. He suggested making the type less condensed and ensuring each page was more related to the others. I had to take a break this week because, throughout my madness, I paid a little visit to the ER on Saturday. But I still worked on work while in there and tried to regroup and return stronger on Sunday. Ran the information in Grammerly several times. I added rough kid drawings in the first half in more places.

The audio was the most challenging aspect for me. I went over that script a thousand times. Even eliminating things to make the script shorter. I had to practice several times until I felt that the video was where I felt comfortable. I’m always nervous speaking. I don’t like how I sound, which tends to get in my head. But I just slowed down and tried to take my time.

The presentation is on Wednesday. This is over and out until next time. Wish me luck…


1.1 [Work in Progress] Thesis 1: Major Project / Thesis Materials


Module 13