Module 13
The more I think about it, the more nervous I get because we are closer to the finish line. I’m not the greatest when it comes to AE. I just opted for what I knew. I know I don’t need to stress about what I want to try to present because Jeremy has told us several times he had seen people read the PDF and pass it. So don’t worry about so much as the wow factor, but make sure that the components are there. Ensure the opener, background, goal, target audience, problems, insights, strategies, deliverables, and closer are there. From the last meeting, we discussed how my materials matrix is too big and not specific in places. You say things like videos or infographics. Not specific enough. I focused on talking about what an everyday mom was in my script. That way, it’s established in my video and known to the audience. Fixed how I would talk about my deliverables. Making sure I removed the points. That’s why the material matrix is there. I fixed the images, making sure I did not have any overlays that I did duotones. I tried to lower the size of my video. I also had too many things on my Cafe List. We worked to make sure to get those ideas down even more.