Module 9

Worked more on our storyboard. After meeting with Jeremy on Monday, developing more ideas for our storyboard was easy. I worked on pulling more ideas for my mood board, which helped when building the design approach for the storyboard. I think what I learned creating the storyboard should be easy because you are taking all the goals, problems, and strategies and applying them to the storyboard. So, making the storyboard isn’t as hard; what is complex, I think, will be coming up with the script.

I kept brainstorming ideas for graphic design about how to help mothers understand and recognize how to deal with maternal burnout. I would take that for each information, strategy, and goal and put that into ChatGPT. I wanted to create engaging, emotionally supportive, and easy to understand. Tailor them to the specific needs and preferences of your target audience while promoting the importance of self-care and seeking help when needed.

Module 9 PDF


Module 10


Module 8