Module 10

This module focused on finding different imagery for my mood board. Images that don’t show repetitive imagery. I also narrowed down my deliverables in this module and focused on my keyframes. I think the color palette worked successfully. Pulling together things from my DS Chart and combining the Deliverables worked well. Some of them combined can turn into very successful projects. Maybe trying to find video footage like a stock was hard, so I’ll have to set up and have someone film me for the video or have someone I know be the subject. Combining the deliverables and some exciting things, I learned how well they worked together and how successfully they could turn into a powerful project.

Jermery also helped with narrowing down my primary audience. We changed it to the primary target audience: everyday working moms between the ages of 24 and 36 years old experiencing mom burnout. I kept focusing on the keywords, refinding the mood board, and returning to those colors from the lab one book—zoning in on those feminine colors for the design. Also, I bring more diversity to my pulls and do not find so much cliche imagery.


Module 11


Module 9